about me
I am passionate about helping you improve your sleep and health as I believe holistic approaches to sleep are often overlooked in many health plans and affect many underlying health conditions.
My own journey in this area started over 10 years ago with my kids (now 15 and 16years old). I have enjoyed working as a GP for over 15 years - I started SleepFocus as I believe nutrition and sleep deserves more attention in clinical practice and should be a central part of a holistic approach to better health.
MBBS (Monash University)
FRACGP (Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners)
DCH (Diploma of Child Health)
ACNEM (Australian College Nutritional Environmental Medicine - part 1)
Professional affiliations and memberships
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
Australasian Sleep Association (ASA) - Member ASA GP Education committee
Australian Clinical Nutrition & Environmental Medicine (ACNEM)
Medical Cannabis Authorized Prescriber